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Quantium Retail Analytics Virtual Project


Updated: Sep 8, 2021


ABC company is interested in customer segments and their chip purchasing behaviors. Consider what metrics would help describe the customers’ purchasing behavior. In order to tackle the task, the company gave us two datasets--- transaction data and purchase behavior. I use both R and Python to accomplish this project. Python is for task one and R is for task two.

Purchase Behavior Dataset

Transaction Dataset

The original two datasets can be found here.

Task one: Purchasing behaviors

# import purchase_behaviour file

file = pd.read_csv("QVI_purchase_behaviour.csv") # 72637 * 3

file.isnull().sum() # no missing value

file[file.duplicated()] # no duplication

# change the datatype for some columns

file['LYLTY_CARD_NBR'] = file['LYLTY_CARD_NBR'].astype(str)

# check for groups for columns



# change the name for columns

file = file.rename(columns=str.lower)

# import transaction file

trans = pd.read_excel("QVI_transaction_data.xlsx") # 264836 * 8

trans.isnull().sum() # no missing value

trans[trans.duplicated()] # 1 duplication, drop it

trans = trans.drop_duplicates()

# change column name to lowercase

trans = trans.rename(columns=str.lower)

# change datatype, and date format

date_offsets = trans['date']

base_date = pd.Timestamp('1899-12-30')

dates = [

base_date + pd.DateOffset(date_offset)

for date_offset in date_offsets



trans['date'] = pd.to_datetime(dates)

# change other datatypes

trans['store_nbr'] = trans['store_nbr'].astype(str)

trans['lylty_card_nbr'] = trans['lylty_card_nbr'].astype(str)

trans['txn_id'] = trans['txn_id'].astype(str)

trans['prod_nbr'] = trans['prod_nbr'].astype(str)

trans['prod_nbr'] = trans['prod_nbr'].astype(str)

# extract weight(digits) from prod_name column

trans['weight_g'] = trans['prod_name'].str.extract('(\d+)')

trans['weight_g'] = trans['weight_g'].astype(int)


# remove weight from prod_name column

trans['prod_name'] = trans['prod_name'].str[:-3]

trans['prod_name'] = trans['prod_name'].str[:-1]


prod_name column


# remove double/mutiple space between words from prod_name column

pd.set_option('max_columns', 200)

pd.set_option('max_rows', 200)

trans['prod_name'] = trans['prod_name'].replace('\s+', ' ', regex=True)

unique_value = trans['prod_name'].value_counts() # 114

# remove space aside &

trans['prod_name'] = trans['prod_name'].str.replace(" & ", "&")


# change the value name

trans['prod_name'] = trans['prod_name'].str.replace("Vinegr","Vinegar")


brand name and flavor from prod_name column


# extract the brand name

trans['brand_name'] = trans['prod_name'].str.split().str[0]


# correct the brand name value

trans['brand_name'] = trans['brand_name'].str.replace("RRD","Red Rock Deli")

trans['brand_name'] = trans['brand_name'].str.replace("Old","Old El Paso")

trans['brand_name'] = trans['brand_name'].str.replace("Grain","Grain Waves")

trans['brand_name'] = trans['brand_name'].str.replace("Red","Red Rock Deli")

trans['brand_name'] = trans['brand_name'].str.replace("Dorito","Doritos")

trans['brand_name'] = trans['brand_name'].str.replace("Infzns","Infuzions")

trans['brand_name'] = trans['brand_name'].str.replace("Smith","Smiths")

trans['brand_name'] = trans['brand_name'].str.replace("GrnWves","Grain Waves")

trans['brand_name'] = trans['brand_name'].str.replace("Snbts","Sunbites")

trans['brand_name'] = trans['brand_name'].str.replace("NCC","Natural")

trans['brand_name'] = trans['brand_name'].str.replace("RRD","Red Rock Deli")


trans['brand_name'] = trans['brand_name'].str.replace("Red Rock Deli Rock Deli","Red Rock Deli")

trans['brand_name'] = trans['brand_name'].str.replace("Smithss","Smiths")

trans['brand_name'] = trans['brand_name'].str.replace("Doritoss","Doritos")

# extract the flavor

trans['flavor'] = trans['prod_name'].str.split().str[-2:].str.join(' ')


# correct the flavor name value

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Pot Sea","SwtPot Sea")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Of Lime","Lime")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("And Vinegar","Salt&Vinegar")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Kettle Chilli","Chilli")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("N Cheese ","Cheese")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Soy Chckn","Soy Chicken")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Compny SeaSalt","SeaSalt")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Compny SeaSalt","SeaSalt")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Chips Salt&Vinegar","Salt&Vinegar")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Cut Original","Original")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Slt Vingar","Salt&Vinegar")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("CCs Original","Original")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Chips Original","Original")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Kettle Original","Original")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Original Crisps","Original")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Crinkle Original","Original")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("RRD Salt&Vinegar","Salt&Vinegar")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Cut Salt&Vinegar","Salt&Vinegar")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Cheese Supreme","Cheese")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Cheezels Cheese","Cheese")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Twisties Cheese","Cheese")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Tasty Cheese","Cheese")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("N Cheese","Cheese")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Cheese Box","Cheese")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Cheese Rings","Cheese")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Twisties Chicken","Chicken")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Chips Chicken","Chicken")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Cut Chicken","Chicken")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Salsa Mild","Mild Salsa")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Salsa Medium","Medium Salsa")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Chp Supreme","Cheese")

trans['flavor'] = trans['flavor'].str.replace("Doritos Mexicana","Mexicana")

# recheck the dataframe

# find out the rows only contain chips from the product name column

chips = trans[trans['prod_name'].str.contains("Chip")]

# check if there is duplication

chips[chips.duplicated()] # no duplication

# create a column containing the month

chips['month'] = pd.to_datetime(chips['date']).dt.to_period('M')

# any outliers?







# yes, outliers

# groupby loyal customers to check if there are outliers?

aggreation = pd.DataFrame(chips.groupby(['lylty_card_nbr'],as_index=False).agg({'prod_qty':'sum',


aggreation.sort_values('tot_sales', ascending=False).head()


# it looks like outliers, but we keep all the data by now

# count the number of transactions per day

pd.set_option('max_columns', 200)

pd.set_option('max_rows', 200)

total_trans = pd.DataFrame(chips.groupby(['date'],as_index=False).agg({'txn_id':'count'}))

# 364 dates, meaning there is a missing date

# create a line chart

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12), dpi=80)

plt.plot(total_trans['date'],total_trans['txn_id'], color='red', marker='o')

plt.title('Transactions per day', fontsize=14)

plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=14)

plt.ylabel('Counts', fontsize=14)


# we can see that 2018-12-25 did not have any transactions, the stores might be closed for Christmas.

# combine two datasets together based on card number, but taking all the rows in the transaction table

new_file = chips.merge(file,on='lylty_card_nbr',how='left')

# check if there is duplication

new_file[new_file.duplicated()] # no duplication

new_file.isnull().sum() # no missing values

# calcuate the average price for each segment of lifestage and premium customer

avg_price = pd.DataFrame(new_file.groupby(['premium_customer','lifestage'],as_index=False).agg({'tot_sales':'sum','prod_qty':'sum'}))

avg_price['mean_price'] = avg_price['tot_sales'] / avg_price['prod_qty']

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8), dpi=80)


plt.legend(loc='top left')

# it seems that Mainstream midage and young singles and couples are more willing to pay

# more per packet of chips compared to their budget and premium counterparts.

# since the difference in average price per unit is not huge, we can check if

# the difference is statistically different?


T test


# conduct a T test for mainstream's young singles/couples and budget's young singles/couples,

# mainstream's mid singles/couples and budget's mid singles/couples,

# mainstream's mid singles/couples and premium's mid singles/couples,

# mainstream's young singles/couples and premium's young singles/couples

# subset the relevant columns

testing = new_file[['premium_customer','lifestage','prod_qty','tot_sales']]

testing['mean_price'] = testing['tot_sales'] / avg_price['prod_qty']

# subset the relevant columns

testing1 = testing[['premium_customer','lifestage','mean_price']]

from scipy import stats

# this is for mainstream's young singles/couples and premium's young singles/couples

sample_1 = testing1.query('premium_customer == "Premium" & lifestage == "YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES"')

sample_2 = testing1.query('premium_customer == "Mainstream" & lifestage == "YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES"')

t_result = stats.ttest_ind(sample_1['mean_price'],sample_2['mean_price'])

alpha = 0.05

if (t_result[1]) < alpha:

print("mainstream's young singles/couples and premium's young singles/couples are significantly different,the T value is",



print("Not significantly different")

# the T value is 1.14064138830466e-49

# this is for mainstream's mid singles/couples and premium's mid singles/couples

sample_1 = testing1.query('premium_customer == "Premium" & lifestage == "MIDAGE SINGLES/COUPLES"')

sample_2 = testing1.query('premium_customer == "Mainstream" & lifestage == "MIDAGE SINGLES/COUPLES"')

t_result = stats.ttest_ind(sample_1['mean_price'],sample_2['mean_price'])

alpha = 0.05

if (t_result[1]) < alpha:

print("mainstream's mid singles/couples and premium's mid singles/couples are significantly different,the T value is",



print("Not significantly different")

# the T value is 5.584689508431946e-17

# this is for mainstream's young singles/couples and budget's young singles/couples

sample_1 = testing1.query('premium_customer == "Budget" & lifestage == "YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES"')

sample_2 = testing1.query('premium_customer == "Mainstream" & lifestage == "YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES"')

t_result = stats.ttest_ind(sample_1['mean_price'],sample_2['mean_price'])

alpha = 0.05

if (t_result[1]) < alpha:

print("mainstream's young singles/couples and budget's young singles/couples are significantly different,the T value is",



print("Not significantly different")

# the T value is 6.273067126806781e-68

# this is for mainstream's mid singles/couples and budget's mid singles/couples

sample_1 = testing1.query('premium_customer == "Budget" & lifestage == "MIDAGE SINGLES/COUPLES"')

sample_2 = testing1.query('premium_customer == "Mainstream" & lifestage == "MIDAGE SINGLES/COUPLES"')

t_result = stats.ttest_ind(sample_1['mean_price'],sample_2['mean_price'])

alpha = 0.05

if (t_result[1]) < alpha:

print("mainstream's mid singles/couples and budget's mid singles/couples are significantly different,the T value is",



print("Not significantly different")

# the T value is 3.605581037486487e-15


All tests above show that the unit price for mainstream, young and mid-age singles and couples are significantly higher than that of budget or premium, young and midage singles and couples.


Now we have cleaned and conducted some analysis to our datasets. Let's explore the data to discover the behaviors of each segment. I use Tableau for this task.

Summary Statistic

There is a total of 8 brands, 29 flavors in chips category. The top 3 brands based on sales are Smiths, Doritos, Thins, their sales in total are accounted for 67.57% of the whole sales. These brands have the highest number of flavors as well.

There are 43625 loyal customers; 265 number of stores.

Cheese, original, salt vinegar are the top 3 flavors among all the customer groups(lifestages, premium customer groups)

Finding 1:

Mainstream customers purchase the most, while premium customers are the lowest. It might be because wealthy customer can afford other more expensive snacks/food.

Older singles/couples purchase the most. In general, older people purchase more than younger people, it could be partly because older people have less other social events but young people

have a lot more. Therefore, older people stay at home more, they have time to eat chips while watching TV. New families group purchase the least, it is likely that they need to keep their life healthy or simply they don’t have much spare time to chill at home because they need to raise their kids.

Finding 2:

Families tend to be budget customers. Perhaps they need money to raise the kids, so they don’t have much money on snacks.

Finding 3:

Average chips purchased by each customer by lifestage and premium customer. It seems that older families and young families of each customer segment consume more average chips than other segments.

Finding 4:

Average price per unit by lifestage and premium customer. It seems that Mainstream midage and young singles and couples are more willing to pay more per bag of chips compared to their budget and premium counterparts. Since the difference in average price per unit is not huge, I checked if the difference is statistically different. The result conducted by T test in python showed that  the unit price for mainstream, young and mid-age singles and couples ARE significantly higher than that of budget or premium, young and midage singles and couples.

Finding 5:

On average, it seems that customers from each segment like regular size of package 180.

Based upon the visualizations above, we should set our target customers to be Budget’s older families, Mainstream’s retires or young singles/couples.

Now that we identified the target segments. We are also interested in whether the target segments have any preferences toward such as favors, package size and brands etc. To do so, we use brand affinity analysis. Let's only consider Mainstream’s young singles/couples as the target segment by now.

## brand affinity

# subset the data into only contain Mainstream’s young singles/couples

sample = new_file.query('premium_customer == "Mainstream" & lifestage == "YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES"')

# sum the quantity of Mainstream’s young singles/couples

segment_quantity = sum(sample['prod_qty']) # 10459

# find out the brands of the sample data subset


# sum the quantity by each brand

brand_quantity = pd.DataFrame(sample.groupby(['brand_name'],as_index=False).agg({'prod_qty':'sum'}))

# divide by segment_quantity

quantity_segment_by_brand = pd.DataFrame(brand_quantity['prod_qty'] / segment_quantity)

# add column name

quantity_segment_by_brand.rename({'prod_qty': 'target'}, axis=1, inplace=True)

# put it back to the dataset

target_quantity_brand = pd.concat([brand_quantity, quantity_segment_by_brand], axis=1)

# sum other segments' quantity

sample_other = new_file.query('premium_customer != "Mainstream" & lifestage != "YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES"')

total_quantity = sum(sample_other['prod_qty']) # 79504

# find out the brands of the sample data subset


# sum the quantity by each brand

brand_other_quantity = pd.DataFrame(sample_other.groupby(['brand_name'],as_index=False).agg({'prod_qty':'sum'}))

# divide by segment_quantity

quantity_other_by_brand = pd.DataFrame(brand_other_quantity['prod_qty'] / total_quantity)

# add column name

quantity_other_by_brand.rename({'prod_qty': 'others'}, axis=1, inplace=True)

# put it back to the dataset

other_quantity_brand = pd.concat([brand_other_quantity, quantity_other_by_brand], axis=1)

other_quantity_brand.sort_values('others', ascending=False)

# merge two datasets

total = pd.DataFrame(other_quantity_brand.merge(target_quantity_brand,on='brand_name',how='inner'))

# only keep few columns

total = total.drop(['prod_qty_x','prod_qty_y'],axis=1)

# get the affiniity to brand

total['affinityToBrand'] = pd.DataFrame( / total.others)

# sort the value by affinityToBrand

total.sort_values('affinityToBrand', ascending=False)


Mainstream young singles/couples are 26% more likely to purchase Doritos chips compared to the rest of the population.

Mainstream's young singles/couples are 48% less likely to purchase WW compared to the rest of the population.

## repeat the steps to calculate the package size

# sum the quantity of Mainstream’s young singles/couples

segment_quantity = sum(sample['prod_qty']) # 10459

# find out the brands of the sample data subset


# sum the quantity by each brand

weight_quantity = pd.DataFrame(sample.groupby(['weight_g'],as_index=False).agg({'prod_qty':'sum'}))

# divide by segment_quantity

weight_segment_by_brand = pd.DataFrame(weight_quantity['prod_qty'] / segment_quantity)

# add column name

weight_segment_by_brand.rename({'prod_qty': 'target'}, axis=1, inplace=True)

# put it back to the dataset

target_weight = pd.concat([weight_quantity, weight_segment_by_brand], axis=1)

target_weight.sort_values('target', ascending=False)

# sum other segments' quantity

sample_other = new_file.query('premium_customer != "Mainstream" & lifestage != "YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES"')

total_quantity = sum(sample_other['prod_qty']) # 79504

# find out the brands of the sample data subset


# sum the quantity by each brand

weight_other_quantity = pd.DataFrame(sample_other.groupby(['weight_g'],as_index=False).agg({'prod_qty':'sum'}))

# divide by segment_quantity

weight_others = pd.DataFrame(weight_other_quantity['prod_qty'] / total_quantity)

# add column name

weight_others.rename({'prod_qty': 'others'}, axis=1, inplace=True)

# put it back to the dataset

other_quantity_weight = pd.concat([weight_other_quantity, weight_others], axis=1)

other_quantity_weight.sort_values('others', ascending=False)

# merge two datasets

weights = pd.DataFrame(other_quantity_weight.merge(target_weight,on='weight_g',how='inner'))

# only keep few columns

weights = weights.drop(['prod_qty_x','prod_qty_y'],axis=1)

# get the affiniity to weight

weights['affinityToWeight'] = pd.DataFrame( / weights.others)

# sort the value by affinityToWeight

weights.sort_values('affinityToWeight', ascending=False)


Mainstream young singles/couples are 34% more likely to purchase 380 package size compared to the rest of the population.

Mainstream young singles/couples are 50% less likely to purchase 200 package size compared to the rest of the population

## repeat the steps to calculate the flavor

# sum the quantity of Mainstream’s young singles/couples

segment_quantity = sum(sample['prod_qty']) # 10459

# find out the brands of the sample data subset


# sum the quantity by each brand

flavor_quantity = pd.DataFrame(sample.groupby(['flavor'],as_index=False).agg({'prod_qty':'sum'}))

# divide by segment_quantity

flavor_segment_by_brand = pd.DataFrame(flavor_quantity['prod_qty'] / segment_quantity)

# add column name

flavor_segment_by_brand.rename({'prod_qty': 'target'}, axis=1, inplace=True)

# put it back to the dataset

target_flavor = pd.concat([flavor_quantity,flavor_segment_by_brand], axis=1)

target_flavor.sort_values('target', ascending=False)

# sum other segments' quantity

sample_other = new_file.query('premium_customer != "Mainstream" & lifestage != "YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES"')

total_quantity = sum(sample_other['prod_qty']) # 79504

# find out the brands of the sample data subset


# sum the quantity by each brand

flavor_other_quantity = pd.DataFrame(sample_other.groupby(['flavor'],as_index=False).agg({'prod_qty':'sum'}))

# divide by segment_quantity

flavor_others = pd.DataFrame(flavor_other_quantity['prod_qty'] / total_quantity)

# add column name

flavor_others.rename({'prod_qty': 'others'}, axis=1, inplace=True)

# put it back to the dataset

other_quantity_flavor = pd.concat([flavor_other_quantity,flavor_others], axis=1)

# merge two datasets

flavors = pd.DataFrame(other_quantity_flavor.merge(target_flavor,on='flavor',how='inner'))

# only keep few columns

flavors = flavors.drop(['prod_qty_x','prod_qty_y'],axis=1)

# get the affiniity to brand

flavors['affinityToBrand'] = pd.DataFrame( / flavors.others)

# sort the value by affinityToBrand

flavors.sort_values('affinityToBrand', ascending=False)


Mainstream young singles/couples are 37% more likely to purchase cheese compared to

the rest of the population.

Mainstream young singles/couples are 51% less likely to purchase sea salt compared to the rest of the population.


Sales are mainly from Mainstream's young singles/couples and Mainstream's retirees shoppers.

The high spend in chips for mainstream young singles/couples and retirees is due to there being more of them than other buyers.

Mainstream, midage and young singles and couples are also more likely to pay more

per packet of chips. We’ve also found that Mainstream young singles and couples

are 26% more likely to purchase Doritos chips compared to the rest of the population.

Mainstream young singles and couples are also 34% more likely to purchase 380 package size compared to the rest of the population.

Mainstream young singles/couples are 37% more likely to purchase cheese compared to

the rest of the population.

The Category Manager may want to increase the category’s performance by placing

Doritos and bigger packs of chips to the places where young singles and couples like to shop.

Task two: Evaluating the performance of a store trial which was performed in stores 77, 86 and 88.

To get started use the QVI_data dataset below(the output from task 1) and consider the monthly sales experience of each store.

This can be broken down by:

  • total sales revenue

  • total number of customers

  • average number of transactions per customer

Create a measure to compare different control stores to each of the trial stores to do this write a function to reduce having to redo the analysis for each trial store. Consider using Pearson correlations or a metric such as a magnitude distance e.g. 1- (Observed distance – minimum distance)/(Maximum distance – minimum distance) as a measure.

Once we have selected the control stores, compare each trial and control pair during the trial period. We want to test if total sales are significantly different in the trial period and if so, check if the driver of change is more purchasing customers or more purchases per customers etc.

# read the file

data <- fread("QVI_data.csv")


# set themes for plots

theme_set(theme_bw()) theme_update(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

# add a new month ID column in the data with the format yyyymm

class(data$YEARMONTH) ## [1] "NULL"

data$YEARMONTH <- as.numeric(monthYear)

Next, we define the measure calculations to use during the analysis. For each store and month calculate total sales, number of customers, transactions per customer, chips per customer and the average price per unit.

# filter to the pre-trial period and stores with 12-month periods stores with a 12-month period

# Filter to the pre-trial period

Now we need to work out a way of ranking how similar each potential control store is to the trial store. We can calculate how correlated the performance of each store is to the trial store.

# Sales for trial store 77

# Customers for trial store 77

# number of transactions per customer for trial store 77

correlation_nTxnPerCust77 <- function(preTrialMeasures,trialStore_sales,store_comparison){

calTable = data.table(Control_store = numeric(), Trial_store = numeric(), Corr_measure_nTxnPerCust = numeric())

storeNum <- preTrialMeasures %>% select(STORE_NBR)

for(store in storeNum$STORE_NBR){

contSt <- preTrialMeasures %>% filter(STORE_NBR==store)

contSt <- contSt %>% select(nTxnPerCust)

calMeasure = data.table("Control_store" = store, "Trial_store" = store_comparison,

"Corr_measure_nTxnPerCust" = cor(trialStore_sales$nTxnPerCust,contSt$nTxnPerCust))

calTable <- rbind(calTable, calMeasure) }



corr_nTxnPerCust77 <- correlation_nTxnPerCust77(preTrialMeasures,trialStore_sales,77)

### Apart from correlation, we can also calculate a standardised metric based on the

### absolute difference between the trial store's performance and each control store's

### performance.

#### Create a function to calculate a standardised magnitude distance for a measure, looping ### through each control store

### Sales

calculateMagnitudeDistance <- function(preTrialMeasures,trialStore_sales,storeComparison){

calTable = data.table(Control_store = numeric(), Trial_store = numeric(),

YEARMONTH = numeric(),mag_measure = numeric())

storeNumbers <- preTrialMeasures %>% select(STORE_NBR)

for(store in storeNumbers$STORE_NBR){

contSt <- preTrialMeasures %>% filter(STORE_NBR==store)

contSt <- contSt %>% select(totSales)

calMeasure = data.table("Control_store" = store, "Trial_store" = storeComparison,

"YEARMONTH" = preTrialMeasures$YEARMONTH ,

"mag_measure" = abs(trialStore_sales$totSales - contSt$totSales))

calTable <- rbind(calTable,calMeasure)

calTable <- unique(calTable)




calculateMagnitudeDistanceSales <- calculateMagnitudeDistance(preTrialMeasures, trialStore_sales, 77)

#### Standardise the magnitude distance so that the measure ranges from 0 to 1

standMagSales <- function(magnitude_nSales) {

minMaxDist <- magnitude_nSales[, .(minDist = min( magnitude_nSales$mag_measure),

maxDist = max(magnitude_nSales$mag_measure)),

by = c("Control_store", "YEARMONTH")]

distTable <- merge(magnitude_nSales, minMaxDist, by = c("Control_store", "YEARMONTH"))

distTable$magnitudeMeasure = 1 - (distTable$mag_measure - distTable$minDist)/(distTable$maxDist - distTable$minDist)

finalDistTable <- distTable[, .(magN_mean_measure = mean(magnitudeMeasure)), by = c("Control_store", "Trial_store")]



magnitude_nSales <- calculateMagnitudeDistance(preTrialMeasures, trialStore_sales, 77)

magnitude_nSales1 <- standMagSales(magnitude_nSales)

## For Customers

calculateMagnitudeDistance2 <- function(preTrialMeasures,trialStore_sales,storeComparison){

calTable = data.table(Control_store = numeric(), Trial_store = numeric(),

YEARMONTH = numeric(),mag_measure = numeric())

storeNumbers <- preTrialMeasures %>% select(STORE_NBR)

for(store in storeNumbers$STORE_NBR){

contSt <- preTrialMeasures %>% filter(STORE_NBR==store)

contSt <- contSt %>% select(nCustomers)

calMeasure = data.table("Control_store" = store, "Trial_store" = storeComparison,

"YEARMONTH" = preTrialMeasures$YEARMONTH ,

"mag_measure" = abs(trialStore_sales$nCustomers - contSt$nCustomers))

calTable <- rbind(calTable,calMeasure)

calTable <- unique(calTable)




calculateMagnitudeDistanceCustomers <- calculateMagnitudeDistance2(preTrialMeasures, trialStore_sales, 77)

### Standardize

standMagCustomer <- function(magnitude_nCustomers) {

minMaxDist <- magnitude_nCustomers[, .(minDist = min(magnitude_nCustomers$mag_measure),

maxDist = max(magnitude_nCustomers$mag_measure)),

by = c("Control_store", "YEARMONTH")]

distTable <- merge(magnitude_nCustomers, minMaxDist, by = c("Control_store", "YEARMONTH"))

distTable$magnitudeMeasure <- 1 - (distTable$mag_measure - distTable$minDist)/(distTable$maxDist - distTable$minDist)

finalDistTable <- distTable[, .(magN_mean_measure = mean(magnitudeMeasure)), by = c("Control_store", "Trial_store")]



magnitude_nCustomers <- calculateMagnitudeDistance(preTrialMeasures, trialStore_sales, 77)

magnitude_nCustomer <- standMagCustomer(magnitude_nCustomers)

### For number of transactions per customer for trial store 77

calculateMagnitudeDistance3 <- function(preTrialMeasures,trialStore_sales,storeComparison){

calTable = data.table(Control_store = numeric(), Trial_store = numeric(),

YEARMONTH = numeric(),mag_measure = numeric())

storeNumbers <- preTrialMeasures %>% select(STORE_NBR)

for(store in storeNumbers$STORE_NBR){

contSt <- preTrialMeasures %>% filter(STORE_NBR==store)

contSt <- contSt %>% select(nTxnPerCust)

calMeasure = data.table("Control_store" = store, "Trial_store" = storeComparison,

"YEARMONTH" = preTrialMeasures$YEARMONTH ,

"mag_measure" = abs(trialStore_sales$nTxnPerCust - contSt$nTxnPerCust))

calTable <- rbind(calTable,calMeasure)

calTable <- unique(calTable)




calculateMagnitudeDistancenTxnPerCust <- calculateMagnitudeDistance3(preTrialMeasures, trialStore_sales, 77)

### Standardize

standMagnTxnPerCust <- function(magnitude_nTxnPerCust) {

minMaxDist <- magnitude_nTxnPerCust[, .(minDist = min(magnitude_nTxnPerCust$mag_measure),

maxDist = max(magnitude_nTxnPerCust$mag_measure)),

by = c("Control_store", "YEARMONTH")]

distTable <- merge(magnitude_nCustomers, minMaxDist, by = c("Control_store", "YEARMONTH"))

distTable$magnitudeMeasure <- 1 - (distTable$mag_measure - distTable$minDist)/(distTable$maxDist - distTable$minDist)

finalDistTable <- distTable[, .(magN_mean_measure = mean(magnitudeMeasure)), by = c("Control_store", "YEARMONTH")]



magnitude_nTxnPerCust <- calculateMagnitudeDistance(preTrialMeasures, trialStore_sales, 77)

magnitudenTxnPerCust <- standMagnTxnPerCust(magnitude_nTxnPerCust)

#### We’ll need to combine the all the scores calculated using our function to create a composite score to rank on.

#### Let’s take a simple average of the correlation and magnitude scores for each driver. Note that if we consider it more important for the trend of the drivers to be similar, we can increase the weight of the correlation score (a simple average gives a weight of 0.5 to the corr_weight) or if we consider the absolute size of the drivers to be more important, we can lower the weight of the correlation score.

corr_weight <- 0.5

score_nSales <- merge(corr_Sales77,magnitude_nSales1, by = c("Control_store", "Trial_store"))

score_nSales <- score_nSales %>% mutate(scoreNSales = (score_nSales$Corr_measure_sales * corr_weight)+ (score_nSales$magN_mean_measure * (1 - corr_weight)))

score_nCustomers <- merge(corr_Customer77,magnitude_nCustomer, by = c("Control_store", "Trial_store"))

score_nCustomers <- score_nCustomers %>% mutate(scoreNCust = (score_nCustomers$Corr_measure_customer * corr_weight)+ (score_nCustomers$magN_mean_measure * (1 - corr_weight)))

score_nCustomers <- merge(corr_Customer77,magnitude_nCustomer, by = c("Control_store", "Trial_store"))

score_nCustomers <- score_nCustomers %>% mutate(scoreNCust = (score_nCustomers$Corr_measure_customer * corr_weight)+

(score_nCustomers$magN_mean_measure * (1 - corr_weight)))

### Combine scores across the drivers by first merging our sales scores and customer scores into a single table remove some columns from both tables

score_Control_77 <- merge(score_nSales,score_nCustomers,

by = c("Control_store", "Trial_store"),


score_Control_77 <- score_Control_77 %>%

mutate(finalControlScore = (scoreNSales * 0.5) + (scoreNCust * 0.5))

### remove duplications

score_Control_77 <- distinct(score_Control_77)

#### The store with the highest score is then selected as the control store since it is most similar to the trial store.

#### Select control stores based on the highest matching store (closest to 1 but not the store itself, i.e. the second ranked highest store)

control_store_77 <- score_Control_77[order(-finalControlScore),]

control_store_77 <- control_store_77$Control_store

control_store_77 <- control_store_77[2]

#### Now that we have found control store 233 for trial store 77, let’s check visually if the #### drivers are indeed similar in the period before the trial.

### sales

#### Visual checks on trends based on the drivers

trial_store <- 77

control_store <- 233

measureOverTimeSales <-

pastSales <- measureOverTimeSales[, Store_type := ifelse(STORE_NBR == trial_store,

"Trial",ifelse(STORE_NBR == control_store,"Control", "Other stores"))][, totSales := mean(totSales),

by = c("YEARMONTH","Store_type")][, TransactionMonth := as.Date(paste(YEARMONTH %/%100, YEARMONTH %% 100, 1, sep = "‐"), "%Y‐%m‐%d")][YEARMONTH < 201903 , ]

### Visualize

ggplot(pastSales, aes(TransactionMonth, totSales, color = Store_type)) +

geom_line() +

labs(x = "Month of Operation", y= "Total Sales", title = "Total Sales by Month")

### customers

measureOverTimeCusts <-

pastCustomers <- measureOverTimeCusts[, Store_type := ifelse(STORE_NBR == trial_store, "Trial", ifelse(STORE_NBR == control_store,"Control","Other stores"))][, numberCustomers := mean(nCustomers),

by = c("YEARMONTH","Store_type")][, TransactionMonth := as.Date(paste(YEARMONTH %/%100,

YEARMONTH %% 100, 1, sep = "‐"), "%Y‐%m‐%d")][YEARMONTH < 201903 ]

### Visualize

ggplot(pastCustomers, aes(TransactionMonth, numberCustomers, color = Store_type)) +

geom_line() + labs(x = "Month of Operation",

y = "Total Number of Customers",

title = "Total Number of Customers by Month")

### Assessment of trial

### The trial period goes from the start of February 2019 to April 2019. We now want to

### see if there has been an uplift in overall chip sales.

### We'll start with scaling the control store's sales to a level similar to control

### for any differences between the two stores outside of the trial period.

#### Scale pre-trial control sales to match pre-trial trial store sales

trial_store <- 77

control_store <- 233

preTrialMeasures <-

scalingFactorForControlSales <- preTrialMeasures[STORE_NBR == trial_store & YEARMONTH < 201902, sum(totSales)]/preTrialMeasures[STORE_NBR == control_store &YEARMONTH < 201902, sum(totSales)]

#### Apply the scaling factor

measureOverTimeSales <- measureOverTime

measureOverTimeSales$controlSales <- measureOverTimeSales$totSales * scalingFactorForControlSales

scaledControlSales <- measureOverTimeSales[measureOverTimeSales$STORE_NBR == control_store, ]

### Now that we have comparable sales figures for the control store, we can calculate the

### percentage difference between the scaled control sales and the trial store's sales

### during the trial period.

measureOverTime <-

percentageDiff <- merge(scaledControlSales[, c("YEARMONTH", "controlSales")],

measureOverTime[STORE_NBR == trial_store, c("totSales", "YEARMONTH")], by = "YEARMONTH")

percentageDiff$percentageDiff <- round(abs((percentageDiff$controlSales - percentageDiff$totSales)/percentageDiff$controlSales),3)

### Let's see if the difference is significant!

#### As our null hypothesis is that the trial period is the same as the pre-trial period,

### let's take the standard deviation based on the scaled percentage difference in the

### pre-trial period.

std <-subset(percentageDiff, YEARMONTH < 201902, select = c(YEARMONTH, percentageDiff))

stdDev <- sd(std$percentageDiff)

#### Note that there are 8 months in the pre-trial period

#### hence 8 - 1 = 7 degrees of freedom

degreesOfFreedom <- 7

#### We will test with a null hypothesis of there being 0 difference between trial and control ### stores.

### Calculate the t-values for the trial months. After that, find the 95th percentile of the

### t distribution with the appropriate degrees of freedom to check whether the hypothesis ### is statistically significant.

### Hint: The test statistic here is (x - u)/standard deviation

percentageDiff$t_value <- (percentageDiff$percentageDiff - 0)/stdDev

percentageDiff$TransactionMonth <- as.Date(paste(percentageDiff$YEARMONTH %/% 100, percentageDiff$YEARMONTH %% 100, 1, sep = "-"),"%Y-%m-%d")

percentageDiff <- percentageDiff %>% filter(YEARMONTH < 201905 & YEARMONTH > 201901)

#### find the 95th percentile of the t distribution with the appropriate degrees of freedom to ### check whether the hypothesis is statistically significant.

qt(0.95, df = degreesOfFreedom)

### We can observe that the t-value is much larger than the 95th percentile value of the

### t-distribution for March

### and April - i.e. the increase in sales in the trial store in March and April is

### statistically greater than in the control store.

### Let's create a more visual version of this by plotting the sales of the control

### store, the sales of the trial stores and the 95th percentile value of sales of the control ### store.

measureOverTimeSales <-

### Create new variables Store_type, totSales and TransactionMonth in the data table.

control_store <- 233

trial_store <- 77

pastSales <- measureOverTimeSales[, Store_type :=

ifelse(STORE_NBR ==trial_store, "Trial",

ifelse(STORE_NBR == control_store,"Control", "Other stores"))][, totSales :=mean(totSales), by = c("YEARMONTH","Store_type")][, TransactionMonth := as.Date(paste(YEARMONTH %/% 100, YEARMONTH %% 100, 1, sep = "‐"), "%Y‐%m‐%d")][Store_type %in% c("Trial", "Control"), ]

pastSales <-

### Control Store 233 95th percentile

pastSales_Controls95 <- pastSales[ Store_type == "Control" ,

][, totSales := totSales * (1 + stdDev * 2)

][, Store_type := "Control 95th % confidence interval"]

### Control store 5th percentile

pastSales_Controls5 <- pastSales[Store_type == "Control" ,

][, totSales := totSales * (1 - stdDev * 2)

][, Store_type := "Control 5th % confidence interval"]

trialAssessment <- rbind(pastSales, pastSales_Controls95, pastSales_Controls5)

#### Plotting these in one nice graph

ggplot(trialAssessment, aes(TransactionMonth, totSales, color = Store_type)) +

geom_rect(data = trialAssessment[ YEARMONTH < 201905 & YEARMONTH > 201901 ,],aes(xmin = min(TransactionMonth), xmax = max(TransactionMonth), ymin = 0 , ymax = Inf, color = NULL), show.legend = FALSE) +

geom_line() +

labs(x = "Month of operation", y = "Total sales", title = "Total sales by month")

The results show that the trial in store 77 is significantly different to its control store in the trial period as the trial store performance lies outside the 5% to 95% confidence interval of the control store in two of the three trial months.

### Let's have a look at assessing this for number of customers as well.

preTrialMeasures <-

scalingFactorForControlCusts <- preTrialMeasures[STORE_NBR == trial_store & YEARMONTH < 201902,sum(nCustomers)]/preTrialMeasures[STORE_NBR == control_store & YEARMONTH < 201902, sum(nCustomers)]

measureOverTimeCusts <-

scaledControlCustomers <- measureOverTimeCusts[STORE_NBR == control_store, ][, controlCustomers := nCustomers * scalingFactorForControlCusts][,Store_type := ifelse(STORE_NBR == trial_store, "trial", ifelse(STORE_NBR == control_store,"control","Other Store"))]

### Calculate the % difference between scaled control sales and trial sales

percentageDiff <- merge(scaledControlCustomers[, c("YEARMONTH", "controlCustomers")],

measureOverTimeCusts[STORE_NBR == trial_store, c("nCustomers", "YEARMONTH")], by = "YEARMONTH")[ , percentageDiff := abs(controlCustomers - nCustomers)/controlCustomers]

#### As our null hypothesis is that the trial period is the same as the pre-trial period,

### let's take the standard deviation based on the scaled percentage difference in the

### pre-trial period

stdDev <- sd(percentageDiff[YEARMONTH < 201902 , percentageDiff])

degreesOfFreedom <- 7

#### Trial and control store number of customers

measureOverTimeCusts <-

pastCustomers <- measureOverTimeCusts[, Store_type := ifelse(STORE_NBR == trial_store, "Trial",ifelse(STORE_NBR == control_store, "Control","Other stores"))][, nCusts := mean(nCustomers), by = c("YEARMONTH","Store_type")][, TransactionMonth := as.Date(paste(YEARMONTH %/% 100, YEARMONTH %% 100, 1, sep = "‐"), "%Y‐%m‐%d")][Store_type %in% c("Trial", "Control"), ]

### Control 95th percentile

pastCustomers_Control95 <- pastCustomers[Store_type == "Control",][, nCusts := nCusts * (1 + stdDev * 2)][, Store_type := "Control 95th % confidence interval"]

### Control 5th percentile

pastCustomers_Control5 <- pastCustomers[Store_type == "Control",][, nCusts := nCusts * (1 + stdDev * 2)][, Store_type := "Control 5th % confidence interval"]

trialAssessment <-rbind(pastCustomers,pastCustomers_Control95,pastCustomers_Control5)

### Visualize

ggplot(trialAssessment, aes(TransactionMonth, nCusts, color = Store_type)) +

geom_rect(data = trialAssessment[YEARMONTH < 201905 & YEARMONTH > 201901 , ],

aes(xmin = min(TransactionMonth), xmax = max(TransactionMonth),

ymin = 0, ymax = Inf, coor = NULL), show.legend = F) +

geom_line(aes(linetype = Store_type)) +

labs(x = "Month Of Operation",

y = "Total Number of Customers",

title = "Total Number of Customers by Month")


The results show that the trial in store 77 is significantly different to its control store in the trial period as the trial store performance lies outside the 5% to 95% confidence interval of the control store in two of the three trial months. We can check with the category manager if there were special deals in the trial store 77 that more people shopping at the store.

Skipping the repeat steps that we used for trial store 77 to each of the other two trial stores 88 and 86.


We’ve found control stores 233, 155, 178 for trial stores 77, 86 and 88 respectively. The results for trial stores 77 and 88 during the trial period show a significant difference in at least two of the three trial months but this is not the case for trial store 86. Trial store 86 only shows one month sales higher. But the number of customers shows a significant difference in all three trial months. We can check with the client if the implementation of the trial was different in trial store 86.

Task three: Presentation

Create a presentation based on the analytics from the previous tasks. It is to provide insights and recommendations that the company's leaders can use when developing the strategic plan for the next half year.

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